
Before registering with VFR INVEST, we strongly recommend that each potential client familiarize themselves with our legal documentation. Here you will find all the terms and conditions regarding the services we provide. We place great emphasis on transparency and accessibility of information, so all documents are posted on this page for your convenience.
Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are high-risk financial instruments and can lead to rapid loss of funds due to leverage. Before engaging in CFD trading, it is crucial to clearly understand how they work and be prepared for potential losses. If you have any questions or need further consultation, our company is always ready to provide support and connect you with experienced experts.

Please note that VFR INVEST is not responsible for any potential losses related to CFD trading. By using this website, you agree to the company’s terms and conditions. Additionally, be aware that our company’s trading services are not available to residents of certain countries, including Afghanistan, the United States of America, North Korea, Ukraine, and Israel.